1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are stored by websites on user’s devices. They are used to support or/and improve website functionality, and to provide website owners with the necessary information.

2. Managing cookies on your devices

We use cookies to optimize our website and offer a better user experience. By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies. You can monitor and manage cookies in your browser (see below).
Please note that deleting or blocking cookies might limit functionality of website UI or availability of website components.

2.1. Managing cookies in browser

Every major browser makes it easy to view, delete, or block website cookies. Please note that deleting all cookies from user device will clear all settings. If cookies were blocked on the device, this will be disabled too, because cookie blocking information is also stored in a cookie. Please find the detailed cookie management instructions below for the following major browsers:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
MacOS Safari
Microsoft Internet Explorer
For information on other browsers and devices, please refer to https://www.aboutcookies.org or http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq.

3. Categories and purposes of cookies

This section describes types, categories, and purposes of cookies in details. By browsing this website you agree to the use of cookies according to their purposes as specified below.

3.1. Types of cookies

Session cookies
Session cookies are only stored in browser for the duration of user session. Web browsers normally delete session cookies when the user closes the browser.

Persistent cookies
Persistent cookies are stored in browser for a specific period after the user closes the browser (unless deleted by the user).

First-party cookies
First-party cookies belong to a domain that matches the browser's address bar.

Third-party cookies
Third-party cookies belong to a domain different from the one shown in the browser's address bar. This sort of cookie typically appears when webpages’ feature content from external websites (image files, JS files, iframes, etc.), or when an AJAX HTTP request to an external server is sent.

3.2. Categories of cookies

Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are required for website functionality and cannot be disabled. They are usually created in response to user performing specific actions, such as changing privacy settings or filling form on the website.
You can set up your browser to block the cookies; however, this might limit functionality of the website. Cookies do not store any personal ID information.

Functional and analytical cookies
The functional cookies are used to track website visitors and traffic sources, providing an insight into website efficiency. They help to identify the most or least visited website sections, and track users across multiple webpages.
All data collected by the cookies is aggregated and depersonalized. If the users block these cookies on their devices, we will not be able to monitor traffic on our website.
Analytical cookies are a subcategory of functional cookies. For more information on analytical cookies, see "Managing analytical cookies" below.

Additional cookies
These cookies help us to analyze our marketing campaigns, examine user preferences, and make our websites more functional and easier to use.

Targeting or advertising cookies
We publish advertising materials on external websites, promoting 1C INTERNATIONAL services, research, and events. With cookies, these ads can be personalized to target each user's preferences more precisely and to prevent the users from being exposed to the same advertising material too often. The sole purpose of these ads is to promote products and services offered by 1C INTERNATIONAL. We do not share your information with any third parties. For more details, refer to our Personal data processing and protection policy.

Unclassified cookies
Unclassified cookies are cookies that are not yet assigned to any of the above categories.

3.3. Managing analytical cookies

The users can disable saving their depersonalized browsing history to analytical cookies on our website or in applications. We employ services of the following providers. To review their privacy policies or find out how to disable their analytical cookies, please refer to these resources:
- Google Analytics: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en
- Yandex.Metrica: https://metrica.yandex.com/about/info/data-policy

4. Using cookies

The list below explains how we use each of the cookies on our website.

Strictly necessary cookies

Provider: 1Ci.
Purpose: Account login ID.
Type: First- and third-party, persistent.


Provider: 1Ci.
Purpose: Customer's internal ID.
Type: First- and third-party, persistent.


Provider: Zendesk.
Purpose: Preserves users states across page requests. Default rails cookie containing account_id and route.
Type: First- and third-party, session.


Provider: Zendesk.
Purpose: Preserves users states across page requests. Authentication cookie - set to be anonymous.
Type: First- and third-party, session.


Provider: Zendesk.
Purpose: Preserves users states across page requests.
Type: First- and third-party, session.

Provider: Zendesk.
Purpose: This is a flag that’s set when a user is authenticated to display the most up to date content.
Type: First- and third-party, session.


Provider: Cloudfare.
Purpose: This cookie is used to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis.
Type: First- and third-party, persistent.


Provider: Cloudfare.
Purpose: This cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare, including load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS connection for website operators.
Type: First- and third-party, session.


Provider: BITRIX.
Purpose: This cookie is used for internal analytics purposes.
Type: First- and third-party, persistent.


Provider: BITRIX.
Purpose:This cookie is used for internal analytics purposes.
Type: First- and third-party, persistent.


Provider: BITRIX.
Purpose: Session ID.
Type: First- and third-party, session.

Functional and analytical cookies


Provider: Google Analytics.
Purpose: This cookie is created when the user visits the website for the first time. If the user deletes the cookie and then visits www.1ci.com again, a new _ga cookie with another unique ID is created. The main purpose of this cookie is to determine whether the user is a first-time visitor. The cookie is updated whenever the user views a webpage on the website. This cookie contains a unique ID used by Google Analytics to verify authenticity and availability of the cookie, as an additional security measure.
Type: First- and third-party, persistent.


Provider: Google Analytics.
Purpose: Stores a unique ID of a user session.
Type: First- and third-party, session.


Provider: Google Analytics.
Purpose: This cookie is used on high-traffic websites to prevent them from polling and collecting data too often.
Type: First-party, session.


Provider: Yandex.Metrica.
Purpose: This cookie is used to determine if the visitor has any adblocker software in their browser – this information can be used to make website content inaccessible to visitors if the website is financed with third-party advertisement.
Type: First- and third-party.


Provider: Yandex.Metrica.
Purpose: Contains the date of the visitor's first visit to the website.
Type: First- and third-party.


Provider: Yandex.Metrica.
Purpose: This cookie is used to collect non-personal information on the visitor's website behavior and non-personal visitor statistics.
Type: First- and third-party.


Provider: Yandex.Metrica.
Purpose: A cookie for web analytics contains a unique identifier that is assigned to each browser to track user interaction with the website.
Type: First-party.


Provider: Zendesk.
Purpose: This cookie saves arbitrary preference settings.
Type: First- and third-party, session.

Targeting or advertising cookies

uid, GPS

Provider: Google.
Purpose: This cookie contains Google UserID that can be used to track users across multiple sections of the website.
Type: Third-party, persistent.


Provider: Google Analytics.
Purpose: This cookie contains ad campaign information. If Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts are linked, the Google Ads conversion tags embedded into webpages are able to retrieve data from the cookie.
Type: First- and third-party, persistent.

Unclassified cookies


Provider: Tilda.
Purpose: These cookies are used for protection from DDOS attacks. Their purpose is to identify visitors during DDOS attacks or in case of suspicious activity.
Type: Third-party.


Provider: Tilda.
Purpose: This cookie is used as user ID.
Type: Third-party.


Provider: Tilda.
Purpose: This cookie is used as session ID.
Type: Third-party.


Provider: Tilda.
Purpose: This cookie is used as UTM ID.
Type: Third-party.


Provider: Tilda.
Purpose: Pending.
Type: Third-party.

Provider: Tilda.
Purpose: Pending.
Type: Third-party.

This statement was last updated May 7, 2020.